New PTE Retell Lecture Template for Higher Score


PTE Retell Lecture is a speaking task in PTE Academic exam that tests both listening and speaking skills. In PTE exam, you typically encounter 2 to 3 Retell Lecture tasks during the Speaking section. The number may vary slightly depending on the test's specific format. Candidates listen to a lecture, take notes on key points, and then summarize the content. In PTE Retell Lecture task, you have 40 seconds to retell the lecture after listening to it. The lecture itself typically lasts 90 seconds before your response. This task significantly contributes to overall scores in both speaking and listening modules.

Importance of Retell Lecture

Retell Lecture task plays a important role in your overall PTE score. It contributes to both speaking and listening modules, making it an essential task for candidates.  Each PTE Retell Lecture task is worth up to 15 marks, contributing to both the speaking and listening modules. With three tasks in the exam, you can earn a total of 45 marks.

In essence, this task requires you to listen to a lecture, take notes, and then retell the lecture in your own words within a 40-second time limit.

In PTE Retell Lecture task, there is no specific word limit. However, responses should typically be concise, around 30-40 seconds, summarizing the key points effectively.

PTE Speaking Retell Lecture Scoring

Scoring criteria for this task revolve around three components:

  1. Content
    2. Fluency
    3. Pronunciation

1. Content: The Key to Listening Marks

How is Content Scored?

Content is the first and most critical part of the Retell lecture task. You can earn up to 5 marks for content, which directly impacts your listening score. The scoring is based on the number of keywords you include from the lecture in your retelling. A keyword refers to important nouns, proper nouns, and concepts mentioned in the lecture.

5 marks: If you include more than 15 keywords.
4 marks: If you include 10-12 keywords.
3 marks or below: If you include fewer than 10 keywords.

Strategies to Capture Content

  • Focus on Nouns: Keywords can include names, places, concepts, or important terminology related to the lecture’s topic.
  • Shorthand Notes: Write only the first two or three letters of important words while taking notes. This will save you time and help you quickly recall the content.
  • Don’t over-complicate: Focus on simplicity. Your goal is to cover the lecture’s main points without unnecessary details.

Pro Tip:

Aim to capture at least 12 to 15 keywords to ensure full marks in the content section. Even if the lecture is short, you should still be able to extract enough relevant keywords to meet this target.

Avoid These Mistakes:

  • Repeating Keywords: If you repeat words, it signals a lack of content. If necessary, repeat only once or twice, but try to avoid repetition altogether.
  • Not Enough Keywords: Missing important nouns will result in a lower score. Ensure that you capture the key ideas from the beginning, middle, and end of the lecture.

2. Fluency: Avoiding Thinking Pauses

Fluency is another important aspect of the Retell lecture task, contributing up to 5 marks. Fluency is measured based on how smoothly and naturally you speak during your retelling. Here is what you need to keep in mind:

Common Fluency Issues

  • Thinking Pauses: Pausing too much to think about the next word can lower your score. Thinking pauses often occur when you try to recall content or struggle with reading your notes.
  • Hesitations: Stopping and restarting sentences, or using filler words like "uh" or "um," can hurt your fluency.
  • Self-Correction: Trying to correct yourself too much can interrupt your flow and result in a lower fluency score.

Strategies to Improve Fluency

  • One Sentence at a Time: Focus on speaking one complete sentence before moving on to the next. This will help you avoid unnecessary thinking pauses.
  • Natural Pauses: Take short, natural pauses between sentences rather than in the middle of a sentence. This will make your speech more coherent and fluent.
  • Stick to Your Notes: Do not overthink when you’re speaking. Stick to the notes you’ve taken and speak confidently without second-guessing.

Pro Tip

Practice PTE speaking without thinking too much about the exact words. Avoid self-corrections and just let your speech flow naturally.

3. Pronunciation: Speaking Clearly and Confidently

Pronunciation is the third component of Retell lecture task, contributing another 5 marks. Many students mistakenly believe that speaking louder or stressing words more will improve their pronunciation score. However, this approach often backfires.

Key Factors for Pronunciation

  • Clarity over Speed: Speak at a steady, clear pace. If you rush, you may mispronounce words or mumble, which will negatively impact your score.
  • Avoid Intonation Issues: Adding too much stress to certain words can disrupt the natural flow of your speech and affect your pronunciation score. Instead, try to maintain a consistent tone.
  • Skip Difficult Words: If you are unsure about how to pronounce a particular word, it is better to skip it than risk stumbling. There will be plenty of other words to use.

Pro Tip

In the 10 seconds before you start speaking, glance over your notes and mentally prepare to skip any words that seem difficult to pronounce. This will prevent you from getting stuck mid-sentence.

Retell Lecture Template

Introduction Sentence: Start by giving an overview of the lecture's main topic.
Example: “The lecture was about [main topic].”

Highlight Key Points: Mention the key points from the beginning, middle, and end of the lecture.
Example: “The speaker discussed [first key point] and also mentioned [second key point].”

Use Keywords: Sprinkle in the 12 to 15 keywords you captured in your notes, covering as many important ideas as possible.
Example: “Additionally, the lecture covered [key idea 3] and highlighted [key idea 4].”

Conclusion: Finish by summarizing the overall importance or conclusion of the lecture.
Example: “To conclude, the lecture was very informative and provided insight into [topic].”

Pro Tip:

Don’t worry about remembering every single detail. Focus on speaking confidently and covering the main points. Even a partial retelling of the lecture can earn you high marks if you maintain fluency and pronunciation.

Golden Retell Lecture Tips

  • Review Your Notes in 10 Seconds: Quickly decide which words are important and which you can skip.
  • Cover the Lecture from Start to Finish: Mention points from the beginning, middle, and end to give a well-rounded response.
  • Speak with confidence: Focus on fluency and avoid second-guessing yourself.
  • Avoid Over-Intonation: Speak naturally without stressing words too much.



Vishal Kapoor -Author

Vishal Kapoor

(PTE & NAATI Expert)

Vishal Kapoor is having 6+ years of expertise in instructing PTE and NAATI, both in Australia and internationally, with an impressive 100% success rate among students. As a certified expert by Pearson in PTE and NAATI, Vishal Kapoor has developed a comprehensive teaching approach derived from extensive research and a wealth of teaching experience. Tailoring coaching techniques to individual skill levels and target scores, Vishal's guidance has proven instrumental in helping numerous aspirants attain their desired scores. With a commitment to personalized tips and solutions, Vishal Kapoor is dedicated to facilitating the success of those preparing for PTE and NAATI examinations.

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