How to Improve Marks in PTE Speaking?


PTE is a critical English language proficiency exam for students and professionals alike. Among the four modules of PTE, Speaking module can be particularly challenging. Many test-takers find themselves scoring lower in Speaking compared to other sections, like Writing. Speaking module not only affects your speaking score but also contributes significantly to your Reading and Listening scores. This guide outlines the key issues that might be affecting your performance and provides actionable solutions to improve your PTE Speaking score.

Role of PTE Speaking in Other Modules

PTE Speaking contributes to multiple sections, making it important to focus on this module to achieve an overall high score. Speaking affects:

  • Reading: 30-32 marks are directly contributed to Reading module.
  • Listening: Speaking impacts 45 marks in Listening module.

Thus, improving your Speaking score will also boost your performance in these two sections. Achieving a strong performance in Speaking involves different tasks like Read Aloud, Repeat Sentence, Describe Image, and Retell Lecture, which are detailed below.

Identifying Key Areas in Speaking

When evaluating your performance in PTE Speaking module, it is essential to focus on two key areas: Short Speaking and Extended Speaking. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses in these areas can help pinpoint exactly where you need improvement.

Short Speaking Tasks: Read Aloud and Repeat Sentence

Short Speaking primarily involves two tasks: Read Aloud and Repeat Sentence. If your scores are low in speaking, it is highly likely that one of these tasks didn’t go well, which can also drag down your Reading and Listening scores.

Read Aloud: This task requires reading a text presented on the screen with clarity, fluency, and correct intonation. If your Read Aloud performance is weak, it could be due to:

  • Pitch Issues: Speaking word by word or without appropriate intonation.
  • Fluency Problems: Taking excessive pauses or hesitating frequently.
  • Clarity Issues: Poor pronunciation or unclear articulation that makes your recording difficult to understand.

To improve:

  • Practice reading texts aloud with a focus on maintaining a natural rhythm.
  • Avoid pausing unnecessarily between words.
  • Use clear and confident pronunciation, ensuring that each word is recorded accurately.

Repeat Sentence: In this task, you must listen to a sentence and repeat it verbatim. Common issues include:

  • Speaking too slowly or hesitantly, causing a reduction in fluency.
  • Trying to capture every word and losing rhythm in the process.

To improve:

  • Focus on fluency over accuracy. Even if you miss some words, delivering the sentence smoothly and with correct intonation will earn you more marks.
  • Practice remembering key words or phrases rather than trying to recall the entire sentence word-for-word.

Extended Speaking Tasks: Describe Image and Retell Lecture

If your performance in Extended Speaking tasks like Describe Image and Retell Lecture is weak, your overall speaking score, as well as marks in Listening, can be affected. Here is how you can tackle these tasks:

Describe Image: This task involves describing an image, such as a graph, chart, or picture, in a structured and fluent manner.

Fluency is the most critical factor. Speaking too fast can make your voice unclear, while speaking too slowly can reduce your fluency score.

Content should be well-organized. Missing major elements of the image or providing disorganized information can impact your score.

To improve:

  • Practice describing images by starting with a general overview, followed by specific details.
  • Focus on maintaining a moderate and consistent pace. Avoid rushing, but don’t slow down too much either.
  • Use templates that help structure your response effectively. For example, beginning with “The image shows…” and then describing the specific details will help ensure that you cover the required content smoothly.

Retell Lecture: In this task, you listen to a lecture and summarize its key points.

  • A common problem is failing to capture the most important content from the lecture.
  • Maintaining a steady pace and fluency is critical, just like in Describe Image.

To improve:

  • Take notes of key nouns and phrases while listening to the lecture. This will help you organize your thoughts and provide a coherent summary.
  • Focus on content accuracy and fluency rather than trying to recall every word. Speaking clearly and confidently is more important than recalling the exact details.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

There are a few common mistakes students make during the Speaking module that can lower their scores significantly:

  • Rushing Through Responses: Speaking too quickly can affect the clarity of your speech and make it difficult for the system to accurately recognize your words. Aim for a moderate pace.
  • Taking Long Pauses: Pausing excessively between words or phrases can hurt your fluency score. Practice speaking continuously without unnatural breaks.
  • Not Using Updated Templates: Following outdated or incorrect templates can lead to poor performance, especially in tasks like Describe Image and Retell Lecture. Ensure that you are practicing with the latest templates, which are designed to meet current scoring standards.
  • Inconsistent Intonation and Pitch: Monotone speech or inconsistent pitch can make your responses sound unnatural. Practice using a natural and varied tone to engage the listener and improve your pronunciation score.

Practical Steps to Improve Speaking Skills

Improving your PTE Speaking score requires a targeted approach. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you enhance your performance:

Assess Your Skills Profile: Log in to your PTE account and check your skills profile to understand which areas need the most improvement. Focus on the tasks where you scored the lowest.

Practice Read Aloud and Repeat Sentence: These two tasks have a direct impact on your Reading, Listening, and Speaking scores. Work on:

  • Maintaining fluency by avoiding unnecessary pauses.
  • Clear pronunciation and intonation to ensure accuracy in the recording.

Focus on Templates for Describe Image and Retell Lecture: Use updated and structured templates for these tasks to ensure that you cover all required content while maintaining fluency. Templates help organize your thoughts and provide a framework that boosts your confidence.

Regular Practice: Simply watching tutorials or reading tips is not enough. Regular practice is crucial to mastering the tasks. Use online practice platform, Vision Language Experts portal to get real-time feedback on your performance.

Monitor Progress: After several practice sessions, reassess your performance and see if there are improvements in your weak areas. Gradually work your way toward mastering each task.



Vishal Kapoor -Author

Vishal Kapoor

(PTE & NAATI Expert)

Vishal Kapoor is having 6+ years of expertise in instructing PTE and NAATI, both in Australia and internationally, with an impressive 100% success rate among students. As a certified expert by Pearson in PTE and NAATI, Vishal Kapoor has developed a comprehensive teaching approach derived from extensive research and a wealth of teaching experience. Tailoring coaching techniques to individual skill levels and target scores, Vishal's guidance has proven instrumental in helping numerous aspirants attain their desired scores. With a commitment to personalized tips and solutions, Vishal Kapoor is dedicated to facilitating the success of those preparing for PTE and NAATI examinations.

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