5 Easy Tricks for PTE Reorder Paragraph


PTE Academic is a popular English language proficiency exam taken by students, professionals, and migrants worldwide. Among its reading tasks, one of the most challenging for many test-takers is the Reorder Paragraph section. This task requires arranging disordered sentences into a coherent paragraph. While it may seem daunting, understanding a few simple strategies can make it much easier. Below are 5 proven tricks that will help you excel in the Reorder Paragraphs section, enhancing your reading score significantly.

5 Reorder Paragraph Tips

1. Understand Nouns and Pronouns

The foundation of sentence structure often lies in the relationship between nouns and pronouns. In context of PTE Reorder Paragraph task, identifying these elements is important for understanding the flow of information across sentences. Here is how it works:

  • Nouns: Typically, a sentence introducing a main topic (noun) comes first. The noun acts as the subject of the paragraph and is usually introduced in the first few sentences.
  • Pronouns: Once the noun is introduced, pronouns like he, she, they, it, or them follow, referring back to that noun.

For instance, consider the following sentence:

"It is evident that the research findings were impactful."

To reorder this, you must first find the sentence that introduces the research findings (noun), then pair it with this sentence where the pronoun it refers to those findings.

The key takeaway here is: always look for a sentence that introduces a concept (noun) first, followed by sentences that elaborate on it using pronouns.

2. Apply the General to Specific Rule

Another important strategy for tackling reorder paragraphs is understanding the general to specific pattern. Sentences in well-organized paragraphs usually follow a natural progression, starting with a broad or general statement, which is then narrowed down by specific details or examples.

For example:

  • General statement: She conducted various studies on emotional expression in actors.
  • Specific details: In one study, she asked actors to assess their emotions while performing.

The general sentence introduces the broader context, while the specific one provides further detail or evidence. When reordering paragraphs, identify which sentences provide overarching ideas or background information, and which ones narrow down to specific points or examples. Place the general statements first, followed by the specifics.

3. Utilize the Pairing Method

One of the most efficient ways to solve reorder paragraph questions is to identify pairs of sentences that logically follow each other. This method is particularly helpful when the sequence of the entire paragraph isn’t immediately clear. Instead of focusing on the whole paragraph, narrow your attention to two sentences that clearly relate.

How do you identify a pair? Look for:

  • Continuity in topics: If one sentence introduces a topic and the next elaborates on it, they are likely a pair.
  • Pronoun connections: If a pronoun like he, she, or it refers to a noun mentioned in the previous sentence, they belong together.
  • Logical flow: Sometimes the second sentence will directly follow an idea in the first. For instance, a sentence explaining the cause of an event might be followed by one describing the effect.

For example:

  • Sentence 1: The researchers collected data from several cities.
  • Sentence 2: This data provided valuable insights into urban planning.

Here, this data clearly refers to the data mentioned in the first sentence, creating a logical pair.

4. Look for Linking Words

Linking words and phrases act as signals that sentences are connected. These words help establish the logical flow of ideas, making them excellent clues for reordering paragraphs. Some common linking words to watch for include:

  • Addition: Furthermore, moreover, in addition, also
  • Contrast: However, on the other hand, nevertheless
  • Cause and effect: Therefore, thus, consequently, as a result
  • Time sequence: First, next, then, finally

For example, if a sentence begins with however, it is likely contrasting a statement made in the previous sentence. Similarly, if a sentence starts with therefore, it is drawing a conclusion from something mentioned earlier. By identifying these connecting words, you can piece together the logical flow of the paragraph more easily.

5. Follow the Sequence of Events

A strong understanding of the sequence of events is critical when dealing with reorder paragraphs. In many cases, the sentences in a paragraph describe events that occur in a logical, chronological order. Recognizing this order can provide key insights into how the sentences should be arranged.

For example:

  • Sentence 1: The team first conducted interviews with local residents.
  • Sentence 2: Next, they analyzed the survey results to determine patterns in the data.
  • Sentence 3: Finally, they published their findings in a well-regarded journal.

In this case, the sequence of events follows a clear timeline: interviews are conducted first, data analysis comes second, and publication happens last. By understanding the chronological order, you can easily determine the correct arrangement of these sentences.

Practice Makes Perfect

While these five strategies—understanding nouns and pronouns, applying the general-to-specific rule, using the pairing method, identifying linking words, and recognizing the sequence of events—are crucial for cracking the reorder paragraphs task, consistent practice is essential for mastering them. The more you familiarize yourself with these patterns, the easier it will become to identify and arrange sentences accurately in the exam.

In addition, utilizing online platforms for PTE practice can further enhance your skills.  PTE practice portal offers sample reorder paragraph tasks that mimic real exam questions, allowing you to apply these strategies in a practical setting. Be sure to practice frequently to sharpen your reading and sequencing skills before your test day.


Vishal Kapoor -Author

Vishal Kapoor

(PTE & NAATI Expert)

Vishal Kapoor is having 6+ years of expertise in instructing PTE and NAATI, both in Australia and internationally, with an impressive 100% success rate among students. As a certified expert by Pearson in PTE and NAATI, Vishal Kapoor has developed a comprehensive teaching approach derived from extensive research and a wealth of teaching experience. Tailoring coaching techniques to individual skill levels and target scores, Vishal's guidance has proven instrumental in helping numerous aspirants attain their desired scores. With a commitment to personalized tips and solutions, Vishal Kapoor is dedicated to facilitating the success of those preparing for PTE and NAATI examinations.

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